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“WOW! This is my son, Benjamin Allen Cohen. And I’m so grateful to a wonderful surrogate that I’m working with.” “And here we are in 2018, almost ‘19, and anything’s possible. “When I was growing up, and when we were growing up … I just never thought it would be possible as a gay man to grow up and have a family,” Cohen told BFF Anderson Cooper. That New Year’s Eve, the Real Housewives producer announced his surrogate was expecting a baby boy. “After many years of careful deliberation, fair amount of prayers and the benefit of science, if all goes according to plan, in about six weeks time, I’m going to become a father thanks to a wonderful surrogate who is carrying my future,” he revealed to a shocked Teresa Giudice, NeNe Leakes, Kyle Richards, Ramona Singer and Vicki Gunvalsonat the time.“Family means everything to me and having one of my own is something I’ve wanted in my heart for my entire life and though it has taken me longer than most to get there, I cannot wait for what I envision will be the most rewarding chapter yet.” The Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen host announced he was set to become a parent during a December 2018 episode of the talk show that featured OG Housewives. Daddy Cohen! Andy Cohen is a proud father of two, welcoming his first child, Ben, in 2019 and second baby, Lucy, in 2022.

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